Muammo bormi? Sizga xizmat ko'rsatish uchun biz bilan bog'laning!
Kelib o'rni
Tovar nomi
Model soni
DC/DC konvertorlari, DC/AC invertorlari
Chiqish turi
Chiqish oqimi
Idoralar, ISO9001, CCC, Idoralar
Mahsulot nomi
Quyosh suv nasosining inverteri
AC kirish kuchlanishi
220 (-15%) ~ 240 (+10%) (1PH)
Chiqish chastotasi
0 ball
Kirish oqimi (A)
18 oy
LCD + LED displey
3 bosqich
MPPT (maksimal quvvat nuqtasini kuzatish)
99% samaradorlik
Inverter turi
Quyosh nasosi haydovchisi
Bizning xizmatimiz haqida
Q1: Can I get some samples for test?
Javob: Ha, sifatni tekshirish va bozor testi uchun namuna buyurtmasi mavjud.
Q2: Do you accept OEM/ODM ?
Javob: Ha, biz sizning ruxsatingiz bilan OEM / ODM-ni qabul qilamiz.
Q3: How is delivery time?
A: Generally it takes 5-10 days for regular type , for big quantity or OEM/ODM orders, iltimos negotiate with sales.
Q4: What is the standard of package?
A: We have our own design carton with besh layers corrugated material; if siz have any other special requirement of package, we also support customized xizmati.
Q5: Nima"s your payment terms?
Javob: Biz T / T, L / C, WEST UNION, ALI TRADE ASSURANCE, naqd pulni qabul qilamiz.
Q6: Nima"s your warranty time?
Javob: Biz 18 oylik kafolat xizmatini, umrbod texnik yordamni taklif qilamiz.
Q7: How does your factory do the quality control?
Javob: Sifat bizning madaniyatimiz. Har bir havolani yig'ishdan tortib jo'natishgacha nazorat qilish uchun bizda qat'iy sifat nazorati bo'limi mavjud.
Q8: How can I trust you ?
A: CKMINE has 18 yil" experience in producing inverters, we have passed ISO9001 management system and got CE, CCC certificates. Assessment reports can be sent anytime if you require.
SP800 haqida
Q1: Is the output voltage of our Solar Pump Inverter stable ?
Javob: Albatta. Bizning quyosh pompasi invertorimiz yaxshi regulyator sxemasi bilan yaratilgan. Haqiqiy qiymatni multimetr bilan o'lchashda ham uni tekshirishingiz mumkin.
2-savol: Quyosh pompasi inverterini o'rnatishda nimaga e'tibor berish kerak?
Javob: Mahsulotni yaxshi shamollatiladigan, salqin, quruq va suv o'tkazmaydigan joyga qo'ying. Quyosh pompasi inverteriga stress qilmang yoki begona narsalarni qo'ymang. Jihozni yoqishdan oldin Quyosh pompasi inverterini yoqishni unutmang.
Q3: About the terminal instructions of the solar pumping inverter?
A:R, S, T are input terminals of three-phase power supply of frequency converter.U, V, W are output terminals of frequency converter, and connected three-phase asynchronous motor P+ and PB are connected to the brake unit, P+ and P- are connected to DC (solar panel)